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Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Where is Ashross located?

Our offices are located in Provo, Utah and our manufacturing facility is located in Lindon, Utah USA.


How long has Ashross been in business?

Since 1992.


Can customers come to the manufacturing facility?

Yes, please call to set up appointment. 


Who do I call for more information?

Todd Bergeson at 801-376-9298


Do you have any dealers?

No we do not.  


Has Ashross sold equipment to international clients?

Yes we have sold equipment all over the world.


Is Ashross a publicly traded company?

No we are a private organization operating as a LLC.


Who are some of your customers?

Koch industries

Exxon Mobile

United States Steel

Old Castle

CN Rail road

Kinder Morgan





British Pet.

Domtar Industries

Owens Corning

and many many more


RUMig3-our most popular model


How does the feed system work?

There are plates on the outside of the rails and on the inside of the rails.  There are a total of 6 plates that can operate together or independently.  Two large 5 inch hydraulic cylinder powers the plates that oscillate back and forth pushing the material from the outside of the machine to the center main discharge conveyor.  These plates are rated to 900 TPH on each side of the machine.  2/3 of the load in most cases will flow directly to the main belt; the other 1/3 will be taken care of by these slider plates.  Please see videos on our website at to see these plates in operation. 


What are the power requirements of the machine?

480 volt three phase 60 hertz with 512 amps of service.


What is the length of the main conveyor?

40 feet from the edge of the main machine


What is the width of the main belt?

The main conveyor has a 60-inch wide belt


What is the minimum installation depth of the machine?

6 feet, you can go deeper if you feel that will help you with service and access. 


Where can I get additional installation GA drawings?

You can get them by emailing our sales department at

You can also call Todd Bergeson at 801-376-9298.  Please specify which machine you are interested in.


Is the RUMig3 self-cleaning?

The feed systems and main conveyor leave very little to clean up.  We have designed the machine so that one employee can clean up easily what is left with a broom or shovel. 


What is the unloading rate of the RUMig3?

With coal at 63 lbs. a cubic foot, with a belt speed of 500 feet per minute, the machine is rated to unload this coal at over 2600 TPH.


How fast does the main belt run and is it variable speed?

The main belts can run from almost zero to 800 feet per minute.  The machine has a variable frequency drive to control this function.  We usually recommend running the belt in most unloading applications at either 400 or 500 feet per minute. 


Does the main belt have a cover?



Where is the main power united positioned?

Typically on either side of the main discharge conveyor.  The power unit comes with 100 feet of electrical cable and hydraulic hose.  Anything over 100 feet is an additional cost. 


How much does the main machine weight?

90,000 lbs.


How many trucks does it take to ship the RUMig3 to the operational location?

We ship the main part of the RUMig3 on a low boy, the conveyor, power unit and other parts ship on two 40-foot flat beds. 


How do I see one in operation?

Contact Ashross and we will try and set up a time to visit a location close to you.


How much does it cost?

Please contact Todd Bergeson at 801-376-9298 for pricing. 


Do you have recommended spare parts for the RUMig3?

Yes we can provide you with these critical spare parts listed and pricing.  We do recommend that you purchase these for your operation. 


Do you help us with installation and commissioning?

We come and supervise (installation by others) the installation and commissioning of the equipment.  We provide 1 to 2 days of on-site support for free within the continental United States.  Any installation that is not in the USA will be priced at the time of our official quote. 


Where can I get more detailed specifications about the RUMig3?

We do have specification sheets on our product page on our website at!products/aboutPage Please contact Todd Bergeson at 801-376-9298 if you have specific requests.

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